Saturday, August 23, 2014

“Moscow Ballet” Ballerina will be leading a Ballet “Master Class”

In addition to Point being the official studio for Moscow Ballet's Springfield area open auditions for “The Nutcracker” Ballet, now Point will also be hosting “Moscow Ballet Master Classes”.  Dancers will learn  Ballet techniques from an internationally known ballerina!   They will have hands-on Russian-method ballet training and exposure to world-renowned Vaganova ballet technique  and additional tips from a professional ballerina who travels and performs around the world. They will learn repertory from classics such as Swan Lake, Cinderella, Romeo and Juliet, and more.

The Moscow Ballet dancer..... teaches students of all experience and skill levels, from beginner to pre-professional.

When: Saturday, September 27th.   Cost $50

Friday, August 8, 2014

Singing and Piano Lessons - "Now at Point"

Ms. Victoria is now teaching Voice and Piano lessons.  She wants to share her 14 years of singing and piano experience. 

Victoria has a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Dance Performance from Missouri State University.   Victoria sang in a pre-show at the White House theater, in Branson, Missouri in high school and she is trained in dance and vocal performance and also in piano.  She has played piano for many competitions and received national honors. She has a love of music and believes wholeheartedly in what it can do for a person’s quality of life; more specifically, the notion of self discovery.